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018: Cashflow from Specialty Coffee in Panama!

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Your typical wealth advisor stresses the importance of a diversified portfolio. However, to them, that means investing in a variety of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. I believe in portfolio diversification, but diversification should NOT be limited to different classes of paper assets that react to the emotional whims of normal geopolitical undulations.

Diversification should mean having exposure to different REAL asset classes. If you are investing in real estate, you might consider investing in not only apartment buildings, but office buildings or assisted living facilities. You might want to invest in farmland or businesses. You might even want to invest outside of your country to hedge against your currency.

Investing outside of your country may sound exotic and dangerous, but for those of you who throw money into stocks and bonds, I pretty much guarantee you that you have some international exposure already. You’re just blind to it because you have no idea what’s in your portfolio!

Furthermore, right now, the dollar is VERY strong. What does that mean? It means that we have really good buying power overseas. It also means as the dollar weakens, which if I believe is imminent, your international investment becomes relatively more valuable.

I recently discovered an opportunity to leverage an international investment to something that is highly addictive, has shown tremendous health benefits, and has a huge global market that is growing at a 20 percent per year clip? Want to know more? I thought so…

That’s why, in this week’s episode of Wealth Formula Podcast, we’re going talk to David Sewell of International Coffee Farms about investing in specialty coffee in Panama.