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422: Avoiding Ponzi Schemes and Bad Actors

The notion of moving wealth away from Wall Street into the hands of small private operators sounds great. However, it’s important to acknowledge some of the challenges of navigating these waters; challenges that many have witnessed first-hand in the podcast ecosystem over the past two years. First and foremost, let’s talk about vetting. Investing is […]

421: Turn Your Empty Space into a Self-Storage Business

As soon as I finished training, I opened up a cosmetic surgery business. When I say business, I mean a business not practice. From day one, it was my intention to create a brand that I could hand off or sell someday rather than to create a job for myself. I was also focused on […]

420: Realtors Make Legal Settlement: Changes Made to What YOU Pay!

The cost of real estate transactions affects everyone regardless of whether you invest in real estate or not. Why? Because the cost of the transaction will ultimately be included in the price of the real estate. One of the biggest costs in a real estate transaction is the commission paid by the seller. In the […]

419: The Ins and Outs of ATM Investing

Last week I sent an update on the WF Velocity ATM Fund which currently has a live tranche. The email I sent, for reference, is below. The email prompted a number of questions that I answered and also thought it would be useful for my partner, Daryl Heller, who is also the majority owner of the […]

418: Using Math to Your Advantage

In the long run, math is pretty much always right. That’s why insurance companies are so profitable. They make predictions using the law of big numbers. Math can predict pretty much anything. Even Sports! I just re-watched the movie Moneyball about how the Oakland A’s made an improbable run in major league baseball in 2002 […]

417: Market Update from a Former Sovereign Wealth Fund Manager

I feel like I am going through another major transition in my life. I turned 50 last September—a fact that I deliberately chose not to publicize.  I hate to admit it, but much of my behavior is stereotypical divorced midlife crisis stuff. I got a Ferrari, I’ve been working out incessantly and…I’ve been considering adding […]