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How I Met Robert Kiyosaki

Buck recounts the time he met his hero through manifestation.

401: Real Estate Market Trends

A lot has happened over the past year in real estate. It goes to show how quickly things can change. Unless you have been living in a cave, you know that interest rates went way up really quickly. When that happens, housing typically goes down in value significantly. Oddly enough, in much of the country, […]

400: Trying Not to Run Out of Gas in Your Tesla

When I moved to Montecito a few years ago, I was amazed at how many people didn’t seem to work. To be clear, we don’t have a homeless problem out here. We just have a lot of people who own businesses. And it’s not quite true that they don’t work. They just don’t have regular […]

Assets Over Income

I was watching an interview with Dan S. Kennedy yesterday on the internet. For those of you who have never heard of him, he is a legend in the direct marketing world and has sort of a cult following. Much of his philosophy and his ideas are now used by modern day internet marketers. Even […]

Passive Income

Much of what I write about in this web log will relate to a concept that I believe is critically important for everyone looking for financial security, to consider…MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME. Specifically, I am talking about PASSIVE INCOME. Passive income is income that is generated even when you are sleeping. Passive income is income […]

Buying Real Estate Leveraging the Government!

I talk about real estate a lot in this blog because I really do love it and believe that most professionals looking for investments needlessly get intimidated and stay away from it. Why do I love real estate so much? Because, as a real estate owner, you have significant tax advantages from the IRS. Owning […]

Being Rich Versus Being Wealthy

Is there a difference between being rich and being wealthy? Everyone will have a different definition of this if you ask. I remember the comedian, Chris Rock, saying that professional athletes are rich and the people who own the teams are wealthy. I guess that’s one way to look at it. Let me tell you […]