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139: Ask Buck New Year’s Edition!

Buck: Welcome back to the show everyone. This is the Happy New Year episode of Wealth Formula Podcast and we’re going to pick up where we left off last time. I am back here again with Madalyn aka Joanie. Madalyn, how are you? Madalyn: Good, how are you? Buck: Good. And Phil Chan also in […]

137: Wealth Formula Banking: The Things We Never Talk About

Buck: Welcome back to the show everyone. My guest today on Wealth Formula Podcast are well-known to many of you. They are the insurance partners of Wealth Formula in the Wealth Formula Banking and Velocity Plus world. Their names of course are Christian Allen and Rod Zabriskie. We’ve done webinars on this before and if […]

136: How to Predict the Future with Richard Duncan

Buck: Welcome back to the show everyone. Today my guest is Richard Duncan. He is the author of three books on the global economic crisis. He wrote The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures which predicted the recent global economic crisis with extraordinary accuracy and that one was an international bestseller. Second book was The Corruption […]

135: Is Real Estate as Good as Gold?

Buck: Welcome back to the show everyone. Today my guest on Wealth Formula Podcast is Marco Santarelli. Marco is well-known probably to many of you. He’s an investor, author and the founder of Norada Real Estate Investments which is also a Wealth Formula Podcast sponsor and the nationwide provider of turnkey cash-flow investment property. Since […]

133: Spies, Lies, and Leaks with Valerie Plame

Buck: Welcome back to the show everyone! Today my guest on Wealth Formula podcast is Valerie Plame. Now she may sound familiar, the name may sound familiar. She’s a former covert CIA operations officer who spent her career protecting America’s national security by preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Following the 9/11 attacks […]

131: Buy Notes or Invest in a Fund?

Buck: Welcome back to the show everyone. Today my guest on Wealth Formula podcast, Jorge Newberry founder and chairman of American Homeowner Preservation now actually it’s AHP Servicing, right? And his new CEO Deann O’Donovan. Jorge and Deanne, welcome to Wealth Formula Podcast. Jorge, welcome back, number four. Jorge: Thanks buck, thanks for having us. […]