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How I Met Robert Kiyosaki

Buck recounts the time he met his hero through manifestation.

443: Teaching Personal Finance to Your Kids

My dad is a wise man. Like many teenagers, I didn’t always think he was. Growing up, he didn’t say much. He wasn’t the kind of dad who was keen to talk to me much about life. But when he did, I realized decades later, that he was usually right. I remember my dad buying […]

424: Richard Duncan: U.S. Strong China in Trouble

I have been asked by many to give my opinion on where the economy is headed and what to do. I have been reluctant to do so because I am not an economist and I do not want to give investment advice. However, I do think I owe it to you to let you know […]

414: The Safest Double Digit Returning Investment in History?

When I was fresh out of surgical residency and started to make some money, I started looking for advice on what to do with it.  One of the questions I had was about life insurance. I was a newlywed and had a baby on the way (now she’s in high school by the way). So, […]

410: Is Ray Dalio Really Who He Says He Is?

My social life sucks. I moved to Montecito in 2017 from Chicago a married man with 3 children. When we got here, I didn’t know anyone.  Luckily, I had my family and was plenty entertained by my three little girls. My now ex-wife also served as social coordinator to make sure we had things to […]

406: Wealth Without Wall Street

When I first started podcasting a decade ago, I was very anti-Wall Street. But what does that even mean? I guess I hadn’t really contemplated that. My show started not long after the financial meltdown of 2008-2009. For many of us, the greed that was unveiled during that period was eye-opening as we saw major […]

400: Trying Not to Run Out of Gas in Your Tesla

When I moved to Montecito a few years ago, I was amazed at how many people didn’t seem to work. To be clear, we don’t have a homeless problem out here. We just have a lot of people who own businesses. And it’s not quite true that they don’t work. They just don’t have regular […]