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319: Janet LePage on the State of the Real Estate Market

Should you be investing in real estate now? After all, we have double digit inflation and rising interest rates. Well, let’s start with an even more basic question. Should you be investing in anything right now? What is the alternative? The alternative is to sit on cash while inflation erodes the value of your money […]

318: The Wealth Accelerator

Nothing saddens me more than to see my fellow physicians and other highly trained professionals who spend their youth studying hard for the promise of a fulfilling career that will take care of them financially only to realize that they have been sold a false bill of goods. Physicians in particular have gotten really screwed. […]

317: The Financial Cold War with China

No matter how open-minded you think you are, you are always going to approach things with a certain bias. And it only takes being completely wrong about something that you would have bet your life on to realize that. My perspective on Covid-19 in the early days is a good example. Now I know there […]

316: The War Against the Wealthy

When times get tough, it is always easier to have a scapegoat. After all, it is easier to blame an enemy than an unfortunate circumstance. The enemy can be punished and held responsible. Circumstances cannot. The most extreme example of this in modern history is the vilification of Jews during World War 2. Reparations for […]

315: The Monkey Mind

I don’t know about you but sometimes I have so many different things cycling through my brain at the same time but it’s hard to keep track of any one of them. I’m not talking about just work or personal finance related issues. I’m also talking about trying to keep my kids’ schedules straight. I’ve […]